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Offers Due in Spring for Solar Array in Oak Bluffs Oak Bluffs selectmen isolated influencing plans for a sun strengthened pack at the landfill and heard thought for an Islandwide thriving supreme at their party Tuesday. They besides heard from two business visionaries about new affiliations downtown. Liz Argo, an expert from Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative (CVEC), restored the board on a test to introduce sun controlled sheets at the covered landfill off County Road and Pennsylvania road. "It's an astonishing use for a land pack that paying little mind to can't be put to utilize," Ms. Argo said. "In addition, what it would mean is cash to the town." Ms. Argo said sun made power passed on could be utilized for the town wastewater treatment office, and energy could be coordinated in a battery. There are examining everything, questionable sun filled establishments on sold landfills in different towns including Tisbury and West Tisbury. The town go...